Saturday 12 July 2014


I made it back to Manitoba safe and sound this weekend. [yay]

There will be a new book review soon but I'm busy lately with driving 2400km back here and this roller derby tournament Toban Tussle which I'm officiating with.

I'm still looking for suggestions for Our Crazy World Series 2 starting later this summer.


[anyone in southern Manitoba should come to the PCU Centre in Portage La Prairie and watch some roller derby]

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Updates and a review

Just some news on what's goin on with me right now. The wireless internet in my room is now disconnected because I am leaving to go back to Manitoba in 6 days so I'm making this post in a nearby MacDonalds. Yay me. Also due to matters of convenience I will be doing my uploads on Wednesdays now instead of Mondays as I have been doing.

On Canada Day (Canada's 147th birthday) I read The Time Keeper by Mitch Albom. I found this novel in the discount bin in a local book store outlet and figured it was worth getting for $6.99. I procrastinated about actually getting around to reading it, I didn't think it would be all that good... Wow how wrong was I. The Time Keeper is easily the best fiction novel I have read all year (about 10 so far). I sat down and read all 222 pages of story in 4.5 hours. It is that good. Way better than the John Green books I have read, not that his are bad, but Mitch Albom is just another level above him.

Picture this: try to imagine a world in which we were entirely incapable of measuring time. There is no such thing as time, hours, seconds, minutes, none of that had been thought of. Pretty hard right? But we are the only species on this planet which pays attention to time. Deer, dogs, dolphins, no animal cares what time of day it is except people. Many animals only care if its night or day, if that. What if we had never developed the capability of measuring time? What then?

These questions are wrapped into and absolutely brilliant and powerful story in The Time Keeper. This is a small fiction novel with a big impact and I suggest everyone read it. I've already given my copy of it to my coworker.

Stay awesome!
