Tuesday 17 June 2014

Long Walk To Freedom: halfway there

I know it's Tuesday and I normally post on Mondays, but I was super busy last night. So now I am roughly halfway through Long Walk To Freedom (about p.312). Long Walk To Freedom (LWTF) is Nelson Mandela' autobiography.

So far in LWTF, Nelson Mandela has grown up, gotten a law degree, and started fighting the oppressive South African apartheid system. He's been to jail a bit and divorced from his first wife. So far his life has been inspirational, he co-founded with Oliver Tambo the first african-owned law firm in South Africa.

I'm sure this sounds a bit dry as a review, but it's really an update, since I'm only midway in this book. So far it is good, although my hand does get tired from holding it. Something I don't like is that the next chapter begins immediately after the previous one ends, just my own peeves.

If you're a skilled reader I dare you to pick this one up and finish it by monday when I finish off the book and begin my intermission.


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