Monday 2 June 2014

Our Crazy World pt2: The story of Che Guevara

Alrighty, part 2 of Our Crazy World is The Story Of Che Guevara. I was actually a little hard pressed to finish this book in time for today's post but at midnight I only had a dozen pages to go and finished it off earlier today.

The Story of Che Guevara is accredited as the most comprehensive biography to date of Che Guevara. It is written by a lady named Lucia Alvarez de Toledo, who was born about the same time as Che and in the same region.

Her book chronicles in depth the life and death of Che Guevara. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna, later nicknamed Che in Cuba based on his accent, was born in Argentina and grew up to become a doctor before he wound up becoming a marxist revolutionary. Originially a fan of Ghandi and staunchly against violence he eventually decided the way to throw off USA oppression and exploitation was via armed revolution.

Overall this book is a good read, especially the second half. The first half of the book isn't that great, which caused me to lose interest at first and put it on the back burner until I came up with the idea for this mini series. The first half really focuses on Ernesto growing up in Argentina and living with asthma (yes the man who led armies for Castro had asthma) and then getting his education as a doctor. Once Ernesto starts his travels of Latin America the book starts to get better and once the Cuban revolution starts it is gripping, I never thought a communist bureaucracy could be so exciting!

I'm sure you can see some trends starting in this series, I actually didn't intend most of them but I won't ignore them either. One seeming trend is that of communism, although many would argue that North Korea isnt really as much a communist state as it is a hereditary dictatorship/prison. Another more likely one is oppression: Shin was oppressed because he was born in the worst country in the world, Latin America was/is oppressed by USA imperialism. Both stories occured because of oppression.

The only factor that really underlies this series is these are stories that show us where our world has gotten and where it is now... and how we still ave a long way to go before this place gets anywhere close to normal.


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