Thursday 22 May 2014

A Mini Series

Good Evening,

I had a good recently. My idea is to have a themed mini-series of reviews. This idea came to me while reading my books recently, I realised they all have a sort of similarity. They're all about different views of our world these days.

So starting this weekend I will be beginning a 4-part mini-series titled "Our Crazy World" in which I will give four points of view from four books reviews, each point being a view of our crazy world, either how we got here or where we have gotten.

The books in order are:

Escape From Camp 14

The Story of Che Guevara

Radio Congo

Long Walk to Freedom

Expect to see Escape From Camp 14 this weekend (most likely Sunday).


I am nearly finished reading Venice: A New History. I will type up the review of it and post it after we finish this mini-series.

Keep tuned.


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