Thursday 1 May 2014

Un-Think... with a hint of blink

Hi everyone, sorry for the time in between post but I have only just finished reading Unthink by Erik Wahl. Took me a while because I had a few busy nights mixed into my week where I couldn't get  much reading done, but here it is now!

So Unthink is about rediscovering your creative genius, as the cover tells it. That is very accurate, more specifically the author argues that when we are children we are very young but as we grow up and get educated to enter the workforce we are made into a gear in a machine, essentially, taking our focus away from our creative side. Erik argues, and I agree, that we must bring out our creative side, our individualism, to get ahead in this world, to stand out against the thousands of other drones who would happily take our place.

In reading Unthink I eventually started to feel, especially in one middle-chapter, that Erik Wahl has been influenced by Malcolm Gladwell, who is one of my favorite authors. This feeling was eventually confirmed by Erik when he directly mentioned the book Blink by Malcolm Gladwell.

Overall Unthink is a great book with great insight and some great quotes from some great people. I recommend this book to anybody who's trying to get ahead in this world.

I also recommend Blink by Malcolm Gladwell (which is a note I left on the last page of my copy of Unthink) or any of Malcolm Gladwell's books for that matter.



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