Sunday 20 April 2014

Looking For Alaska

So I just finished reading my second John Green book so far, a little jewel called Looking For Alaska. I do mean jewel when I say it, this novel got great at about the second chapter which hasn't happened often to me and it was quite a roller coaster although the last bit seemed to be coasting down off the event at the book's midpoint. I can't really tell you too much about Looking For Alaska without spoiling it for you but that event right in the middle [roughly] of the novel is such a kicker that you can't believe it to be true even when the book ends and it totally was.

The kicker in this novel was so strong that now that I am reading Paper Towns by John Green I'm expecting it to happen again even though it's another story entirely.

John Green bases some of his books on settings in his real life, and Culver Creek is one of those. I know from watching John Green's youtube channel that it is based on the boarding school he went to and the pranking he did. Knowing that it's hard to figure out where reality ends and fiction begins in this book.

Overall Looking For Alaska is one of my must reads, great book, better than Will Grayson Will Grayson which was my first review on this page. I highly recommend it.


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