Thursday 3 April 2014

Will Grayson, Will Grayson, wherefore art thou Will Grayson?

Hey for my first post on my new blog I'm gonna tell you about the novel Will Grayson Will Grayson (or WGWG for short) which I have recently read and will be coming out in a vlog at somepoint done by my friend Rush Softly.

It was a pretty good read, it's 310 pages that I finished in two days, and on the second day I also moved on and started another book. Of course it helps that it's teen fiction so being 26 and an avid reader it wasn't too daunting to get through. Also the way the dialogue is printed it takes up a lot of room on the page without a lot of content. That being said it was still a good read and has inspired me to read more by John Green.

WGWG is unlike many books that I have read because it discusses sexual orientation in teenagers and homosexuality is a common theme throughout, which shocked me a bit in the beginning because a lot of what I read is either fact based or science fiction. Nobody worries about their sexual orientation when three-armed aliens are shooting at you.

To give a little overview without revealing too much about the book, WGWG follows two teen boys, can you guess their names? That's right they're C'thulu--er, I mean Will Grayson. One Will is trying to hide in the shadows and not be noticed, the other is uber emo-goth-ish and not yet openly gay, although he's super open with a boy online who he has never met. The two Wills meet up in chicago one night and their lives intertwine in interesting ways. The writing is noticeably different between the Wills, straight Will has proper grammar with the occasional John Green combi-word such as 'insomuch.' Gay Will's narrative has no capital letters in it at all except once which is in such an insignificat spot I think it was a typo. The novel changes perspective every chapter between the Will Graysons back and forth, which is a neat piece. This alternating view point really makes the book even parts John Green and David Levithan.

Overall the book was an excellent read, kept me into it, and worth the purchase. Tune into youtube this summer for a vlog book-report about it.

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